02-Feb-1887 |
Rotterdam |
Arjen Antonie |
Posthumus |
Kegge |
17-Nov-1861 |
15-Jan-1864 |
Den Haag |
Rotterdam |
Graanweger |
Hoedenmaakster |
26-Jan-1896 |
13-Aug-1935 |
Rotterdam |
First Name |
Last Name |
dob |
where |
dod |
where |
Partner |
Comments |
Anonia Johanna |
Posthumus |
13-Mar-1888 |
Rotterdam |
23-Aug-1888 |
Dirk Antonius A |
Posthumus |
23-May-1889 |
Rotterdam |
27-Sep-1950 |
Rotterdam |
Elisabeth J Verhaagen |
Dirk Antonius A |
Posthumus |
23-May-1889 |
Rotterdam |
27-Sep-1950 |
Rotterdam |
Masje Borsy |
Arjen Arjens |
Posthumus |
19-Jul-1881 |
Rotterdam |
Johanna |
Posthumus |
10-Nov-1895 |
Rotterdam |
18-Feb-1985 |
Martines Hoekstra |
Arjen Antonie |
Posthumus |
10-Nov-1895 |
Rotterdam |
Son of Arjen Arjens Posthumus &Antonia Doorspiek
Nick Posthumus provided me with genealogical information, mainly acquired by offspring of Alida Wilhelmina Kegge from Gerrit Kegge – 1768 all the way back to Cornelis Kegge – 1697 and related family links
Posthumus website
Photo Courtesy of the Posthumus
Family in Australia & Holland
Note: For privacy reasons, Date of Birth for persons believed to still be living is not shown unless agreed to by the person concerned.
If you are uncomfortable with any personal information published on these pages, please email willem@kegge.org